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APNA Board of Directors Student Scholars Application Walkthrough

We are so glad you are interested in submitting an application for the APNA Board of Directors Student Scholarship Program! To help you get going, here is a walkthrough to help you use this site to submit your application. If you have any questions or issues, please contact us at or 855-863-2762.

Apply Today!

The deadline for 2025 applications is April 1.


Start at Once you have reviewed the information there, click Submit an Application. This will take you to a log in screen where you will log in with your APNA username and password. If you do not have an account, click the Create Account link to create one.


Select the APNA BOD Student Scholarship Program from the drop down menu under Your Program Options. Then click the blue Create button.


You will start at the Applicant tab. Here you will enter your contact information. This is the contact information that APNA will use to communicate with you about your application, so please ensure that you use current information that will be valid at the time of notifications (Early June 2024). Click Save as Draft. (As you complete the information on each tab, remember to hit the Save as Draft button so that your information is saved.)

Review the eligibility criteria, then check the box to validate that you have reviewed and confirm the eligibility and selections criteria. Then hit the Save as Draft button.


A message will pop up to prompt you to enter the type of application you are submitting (undergraduate or graduate). Click ok and select Graduate Student or Pre-Licensure/Undergraduate Student from the drop down menu under the Nursing School tab. Then press the Save as Draft button and go to the Eligibility tab.


On the Nursing School tab, provide your current school, the Dean/Director/Chair of your current program, and details including coursework completed, credit hours required for graduation, your anticipated graduation date, and your GPA. Click Save as Draft and then the Next Tab link.

Pre-Licensure/Undergraduate Students:

Graduate Students:

Graduate school application fields


On the Background tab, enter all of the degrees you have completed. To enter more than one, click the + icon to add a new row. If you have not yet earned any degrees, leave this field blank. Note: you do not need to enter your current school’s information again.

Select whether or not you practice psychiatric-mental health nursing and if you have held any leadership positions with APNA. If you select yes, fields will appear for more information.

Finally, list any professional certifications or certificates you have earned. If you have not earned any, leave this field blank. Click Save as Draft and then the Next Tab link.


This Profile tab is where you will provide more professional background information. Use the two comment boxes to detail your Leadership Activities within the past five years and any Awards and Honors you have received. Note that there is a 500 word limit to each of these fields. Then, enter your Employment History in the fields provided, using the Add Row link to add additional past employers. If you do not have any previous employment history, simply enter none into the fields.

Click Save as Draft and then the Next Tab link.


This Statement tab is your opportunity to share your vision for psychiatric-mental health nursing and how you believe you will benefit from the scholarship. These essay questions differ depending on whether you are applying as a graduate or undergraduate student, so verify that you have selected the correct application by ensuring that the heading at the top of the page is correct. If it is not, return to the Nursing School tab and edit your selection for Type of Application. This may cause you to need to fill in some additional fields on other tabs as well.

Use each of the boxes on this page to enter your essay statements. Note that each one is limited to 200 words. As you enter words, the Remaining Words count at the bottom will decrease.

Click Save as Draft and then the Next Tab link.


All applications must include a reference from a Program Director, Nominating Faculty, or Nurse Professional who is an APNA member. If you need help finding an APNA member to act as your reference, check with the faculty at your school.

On this Reference tab you will find a form that will allow you to generate an email request to your reference. Fill out the form and then click the Initiate Email Request button. This email will ask them to quickly complete an electronic reference for you.

You should monitor this section of your application to ensure that the reference is completed by the deadline of April 1. You will receive a confirmation email when the reference has submitted their statement. Once you receive this confirmation and your application is complete, you will need to log in to the site and press the Submit Final Application button.

Hit Save as Draft and then the Next Tab link.


The Confirm tab is where you agree to the terms of the APNA BOD Student Scholarship. Review the information, click the check boxes to indicate that you understand and agree to the statements, then click either Save as Draft or, if you are ready to submit your application, Submit FINAL Application. You must click the Submit Final Application button by the deadline of April 1 in order for your application to be considered.

You will be able to go in and edit your application at any time by logging in to the APNA Submission Site, clicking My Dashboard, and selecting the pencil button next to your application. If you wish to download a pdf copy of your application to keep on file, click the pdf button here. And if you would like to withdraw your application at any time before the deadline, click the Withdraw link. Note that when you withdraw your application, all of your data associated with this application will be deleted from the site.

Questions or issues? Please contact us at or 855-863-2762.