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2021 APNA President’s Report

Dear Colleagues,

It is my pleasure to present your 2021 American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) Annual Activity Report. I am happy to report that your association continues to enjoy healthy membership growth and retention. Our membership reached an exciting milestone this year — APNA is more than 15,000 strong!

Please see APNA Secretary Evelyn Perkins’ report for details on current membership and more. APNA has also enjoyed a strong financial year – APNA Treasurer Donna Rolin’s report provides you with more information. In this report, I am pleased to share with you a snapshot of your association’s growth:

Over the past five years…

  • Membership has grown more than 32%
  • Membership renewals have increased by 26%
  • New members have increased by 43%
  • Access to continuing education in the APNA eLearning Center has increased more than 140%
  • Offerings in the APNA eLearning Center have increased more than 113%

APNA activities are guided by a Strategic Direction developed by the APNA Board of Directors (BOD). Below I provide some key highlights that exemplify what this dedicated group of psychiatric-mental health nurses has accomplished this year, based upon the four goals in our strategic plan. A more detailed report is available in the appendix.

Your generosity in sharing your expertise and volunteering your time enriches us all. Thank you for all you do!

Goal A. APNA will be the indispensable resource for member networking, leadership, and professional development.
Goal B. APNA will be the leader in creating and enhancing strategic alliances with diverse stakeholders to advance its mission.
  • This year, APNA partnered with Johnson & Johnson Innovation for the Johnson & Johnson Nurses Innovate Quickfire Challenge on Mental Health. APNA members reviewed submissions and served on the panel of experts who chose the final two nurses who received funding and support for their innovations.
  • I had the honor of serving as chair of the planning committee for the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Workshop on Strategies and Interventions to Reduce Suicide. This workshop brought together stakeholders from across the spectrum of health care to explore strategies and interventions to counter the rising prevalence of suicide.
Goal C. APNA will be recognized as the expert voice for psychiatric-mental health nursing.
  • APNA leaders have put in an incredible amount of work on the APNA-ISPN Joint Task Force tasked with updating the Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: Scope & Standards of Practice. This foundational document that defines our practice is in the final editing stages!
  • APNA position papers serve as one way of sharing our ‘expert voice’. Members are involved in updating or creating several position papers on many topics, including seclusion and restraint, staffing inpatient units, psychotherapy, and interprofessional practice.
Goal D. APNA will be the at the forefront of integrating research, practice, and education to address mental health issues that affect psychiatric-mental health nursing and the population served.
  • This year, APNA completed a 2-year grant from SAMHSA to develop and deliver education to 10 universities. The education content included substance use, SBIRT, and motivational interviewing, with an overall project objective to infuse this content into nursing education curriculum. The program exceeded the goal of reaching 200 students per year, with more than double that participating in 2020 and 2021!
  • Our APNA Workforce Task Force is hard at work analyzing data from a comprehensive survey of the psychiatric-mental health nursing workforce which was completed earlier this year. These results will inform stakeholders as they make decisions around issues such as funding and policy.

My year as president has made me deeply grateful to be a part of this great community united around promoting our wonderful profession and advancing compassionate and optimal care for those with mental health and substance use needs. I want to thank you for all you do to ensure and expand equitable access to patient-centered care.

Matthew Tierney, MS, CNS, ANP, PMHNP, FAAN
APNA President