APNA Award for Excellence in Practice - APRN
The APNA Award for Excellence in Practice – APRN-PMH recognizes an APNA APRN-PMH member who has made significant contributions to psychiatric-mental health nursing practice. The individual must have been a member of APNA for at least two years.
- Practices as a PMH-APRN.
- Demonstrates PMH advanced nursing practice that promotes/achieves/facilitates optimal outcomes for patients, families, and/or populations.
- Makes enhancements, refinements, or unique contributions to the delivery of psychiatric-mental health nursing care.
- Demonstrates excellence in working with individuals/families/communities.
- Serves as an influential role model to other psychiatric-mental health nurses in the delivery of quality nursing care.
- Disseminates innovative clinical knowledge to families, communities, organizations and/or professional colleagues.
View past APNA Awards recipients here.