Abstract Toolkit: Learning Outcomes & Educational Outline
Educational Learning Outcomes
- Every abstract submission must include one learning outcome which is appropriate for the target audience (RN/APRN).
- An educational learning outcome is a statement in specific and measurable terms that describes what the learner(s) should know, show, and/or be able to do after participating in the educational activity.
- The learning outcome must connect to the professional practice gap (Why do learners need this education?) and the underlying educational need (Is the practice gap related to knowledge, skill, and/or practice?). If the underlying need is knowledge, the outcome should be related to measuring a change in the learner’s knowledge, etc.
- The measurable learning outcome is NOT a list of objectives. The objectives are the steps taken to help learners achieve the desired learning outcome.
Questions to develop a measurable learning outcome:
- What is the measurable goal or outcome that this educational activity sets out to achieve? Consider: why do learners need this education?
- What should the learner(s) know, show, and/or be able to do at the end of the activity (underlying educational need)? If the underlying need is knowledge, the outcome should be related to measuring a change in the learner’s knowledge, etc.
- Is the learning outcome appropriate for the level of the learner (RN, APRN)?
Learning Outcome Format
Each outcome should begin with an action verb and complete the sentence “Upon completion of this presentation, participants will be able to…”. (Ex: Describe three features of APNA membership.)
We recommend that you use Bloom’s Taxonomy action verbs for your outcome:

Educational Outline Summary
The educational outline summary, required as a part of the abstract submission, will answer the following two questions:
What will you present?
- Examples: case studies, theories, examples, charts/graphs, etc.
How will you engage the participants/learners in the presentation?
- Examples: Q&A, feedback, discussion, improv, polling, etc.