APNA Minnesota Chapter
Chapter Goals
The Minnesota Psychiatric Nurses Association was founded in 1993 and received its charter in 1995. The chapter values keeping the membership current in practice through offering educational sessions at meetings and regularly sponsoring statewide conferences. An important ongoing goal is to promote member participation at the state and national level. The chapter is committed to increasing student participation in chapter activities and stimulating interest among students in choosing psychiatric nursing as a career.
Minnesota APRN Coalition
Please visit http://www.mnaprnc.org to discover the activities of the Minnesota APRN Coalition. This is a coalition of all categories of APRNs (NP, CNS, CRNA and Nurse Midwives) working toward legislation to remove barriers to our practice. We need your support and help.
Any APNA member who resides in Minnesota is automatically a member of the APNA Minnesota Chapter. If you are interested in joining or renewing your membership, here’s more information.
If you are not receiving emails from your chapter or are unable to access your chapter’s online community, please contact chaptersupport@apna.org. We are here to ensure you receive the information you need to benefit fully from your chapter membership!
Governance Policies
Minnesota Chapter Governance Policies
Monthly Meetings
Our monthly meetings are scheduled for the first Monday of every month at 6:30pm Central.
All members may attend; however, only Chapter Board members can vote. Please contact chaptersupport@apna.org for call access information.
call for volunteers
Your APNA Minnesota Chapter is seeking volunteers or nominations for the President-Elect and Member-at-Large positions on chapter leadership! View descriptions of the positions here.
Participating on leadership requires participation in the scheduled leaddership meetings. The deadline to volunteer or nominate is Friday, March 28. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact chaptersupport@apna.org.
Thank you for your contribution to the chapter!