Abstract Toolkit: Evaluation Criteria
Abstracts in Research should address the following:
- Problem Statement
- What was the problem that led you to conduct this study?
- Theoretical framework
- What theories or concepts were applied to create a frame of reference?
- Methods and Design
- What methods were used to collect and analyze the data?
- Results
- What do the data indicate?
- Implications for psychiatric-mental health nursing practice
- How does this research translate into practice?
- Implications for future research
Abstracts in Administration, Education, or Practice should address the following:
- Purpose
- Clinical topics: What is your purpose in addressing the topic/current trend to this audience?
- Practice change: What problem/issue led to this intervention/practice/project?
- Summary of evidence / Summary of evidence guiding the practice change
- Clinical topics: What is the background and evidence related to the topic?
- Practice change: What evidence led to the proposed change in administration, education, or practice?
- Description of practice or protocol
- Clinical topics: What are the current practices related to the topic?
- Practice change: Include strategies for implementation and identify stakeholders
- Validation of Evidence / Method of Evaluation
- Clinical topics: How is the evidence validated by the literature or current practice?
- Practice change: How did you measure outcomes or effectiveness?
- Relevance to PMH Nursing / Results
- Clinical topics: How does the topic and its current practices relate to PMH nursing?
- Practice change: What were the outcomes of your intervention/practice/project?
- Future implications
A submission is more likely to be accepted if it is original, innovative, and contributes to the scholarly practice of psychiatric-mental health nursing. Quality of work, clarity and completeness of the submitted materials will be considered. The Scholarly Review Committee receives more proposals than space available. Careful attention to these criteria is likely to increase the chance for acceptance.
Example Review Form