Get Some Vitamin G: Share Messages of Gratitude with Our PMH Colleagues
As I look ahead to the New Year, I also find myself reflecting on this year. We have so much to be thankful for, even in times like these. We have the support, strength, and inspiration of our psychiatric-mental health nursing community. I am so thankful for each and every one of you!
In this spirit, I invite you to join me in a quick and mood-boosting dose of vitamin G (G for gratitude!): Share your appreciation for a colleague by posting a message in the All-Purpose Discussion Forum. I hope these shared messages of gratitude will inspire all of us as we look to the New Year.
To get us started, here is mine: I am very grateful for many colleagues I have had over my career. I am thinking of one psychiatric-mental health nursing colleague in particular whose clinical focus is different than mine. I worked with her recently and she was very willing to share her extensive knowledge to improve patient care and the experiences of our students. I can think of other colleagues who exemplify the same generosity of spirit and passion for our profession. I often share stories of these colleagues with our students, the future of our specialty.
I suspect that you have a colleague who is generous with their passion and their knowledge as well and I can’t wait to read about them on Member Bridge!
Thank you for everything you do to support your colleagues, those in your care, and your community. I wish you and yours a safe and joyful season.
American Psychiatric Nurses Association